There are many methods of blockchain fraud, one of which is to airdrop or sell fraudulent tokens, and manipulate the contract to obtain benefits. I have shared several related articles before, and this article found several tools to check whether the token is safe.

Token Sniffer

The first one is Token Sniffer, just paste the contract address of the token directly into the input on the screen and send it. Taking the previous blockchain fraud - Blockchain Scam - Awesome Crypto World (ACW) Token as an example, paste the address of the contract 0x82d0952f3524df3e0f003d6bb231015d312f9164:
Token Sniffer

You can see some results of his analysis, he explained that this token isn’t sellable.
Token Sniffer Result

Try to enter the address of the commonly used token BUSD to check, you can see that there are still some red items. It said that this token can be minted. You still have to judge for yourself.
Token Sniffer Result


The second tool is GoPlus. We have to select a chain first, such as BSC, and then paste the address of ACW:

You can see some results of analysis. It did not find that the token isn’t sellable, but he reminded that there is a risk of proxy contracts.

Then try the BUSD address, and it also reminds that the token can be minted, but he specifically stated that this token has a high credit.

Using the two tools together can help us do some basic detection, but we still have to judge carefully.